Letter for my-future-self.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dalam hidup jangan kejar duit sangat.Kejarlah kejayaan kerana duit datang bila dah berjaya.
So,kalau nak kaya kenalah kejar kejayaan.
Moga apa yang dihajat akan termakbul dan apa yang dicita cita akan terlaksana.

Dearest future MHKA,u have to remember this always

Remember, you are braver than you believe,
You are stronger than you seem,
And you are smarter than you think.
So believe in your strength and start studying.

Ps;thanks a lot Dominika Kowalska.

9 Responses to Letter for my-future-self.

  1. aku pun ada surat utk dri sendri..
    surat aku ms 22/11/2010.utk aku pada saat ini hingga masa terhenti

  2. Dear Future MHKA, I wanna see this in you in the future but as soon as possible. Stronger, braver and smarter. I know you can do it.
    Good Luck. :)

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